Saturday, March 17, 2012


Hey guys!

School holiday is gonna end very very soon :( no!! time is ticking so fast without looking back! haha as if time will look back :p and this means SPM is getting nearer and nearer! ok gonna be dead! I really have to study! There's no time for me to horse around anymore!

but how to start? ok this is going to be kinda hard! OMG! diana, you can do it! you will suffer only for 1 freaking year! (yeah! kinda self-motivation! haha) ok I just want to share with you all the definition of S.T.U.D.Y haha that I found from twitter or just anywhere or maybe from my friend hehe

S = Singing
T = Tweeting
U = Unlimited texting
D = Dreaming
Y = Yawning
haha this one is taken from my friend via twitter :p

or you can just visit this facebook page ' I believe the word 'studying' was derived from the words 'students dying'. haha

anyway, it was all a joke. I know as a student and as our parent's child, we have to study and make them proud! yeah! (pssttt.... this is kinda a self motivation too! hehe)
ok seriously I have to start studying!
bye for now!

Remember to live your life the fullest! study! hehe

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